What matters is the communion part 2

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What matters is the communion part 2

TFW your now self picks up hints that your past self dropped? That’s a trip. Especially when they piggyback on each other. I’m so busy running a bar that I forget I have a blog and a website sometimes. I came to share an experience about one hint and found another. See previous blog/title/subject. :)

I had the indescribable honor of being a featured guest at Nashville in Harmony's 20th anniversary show at the Ryman Auditorium back in December. It was transformative and I’m still grinning. More about that below. But first, the confluence of events that led up to that happening is glorious and worth sharing:

Tim Branscum (who's been a fan of my music for years, bless him) happened to be in town one night last March when Wesley King (who happens to be the artistic director of NIH) was guest hosting our monthly hymn sing at Sid Gold's. Tim asked me to play an original song called "I Will Raise My Voice.” I hardly ever play original songs at Sid’s but I couldn’t say no to Tim. And I’m glad I didn’t because it led to this email from Wesley in my inbox.

WHATTT??!!? I know. OK. Fast forward to Dec 29th, day of show. I'd been battling this winter’s extra rude respiratory crud since early November and my voice was far from 100%. I’d been honking like a damn goose for 2 months. (Apologies to anyone who had to endure that on the listening end.)

But this is where the bar we opened just over 4 years ago and a lyric in the song I wrote over 15 years ago worked some alchemy.

*Cue deeper confluence of events*

For most of my life, my job and my sense of self have hinged on how good my voice sounded. Or so I thought. Playing in our magical little piano bar night after night I’ve essentially been steeping in the healing elixir that is singing ~ and singing along ~ for the sheer joy of it. So here I was with a wonked-out voice on the day of my first solo feature at the dang mother church (!!), but I was weirdly OK about it in a way I'd never been before. Because I knew it wasn’t really about me - it was about our collective singing for the joy of it. And suddenly I *got* my own song lyric:

If I don’t sing no one can sing along, so I will sing.
— "I Will Raise My Voice" - K Small

Nashville in Harmony presents 20th Anniversary Season Finale Concert.
Start time 1:23:45 “I Will Raise My Voice”

That night was a profound and lasting gift and I’m so very grateful. Grateful to Tim, to Wesley, to every member of Nashville In Harmony. Grateful to Sid Gold’s, and grateful to 15+ year ago songwriter me for not giving up on that idea she had. Thanks for the hint, homie. It really is all about the communion.

The clip here starts at my song, but the whole show is exquisite and worth watching. Bonus: if you watch the encore you’ll hear me hit the biggest clunker of my entire performing life. I'm talking Daffy Duck "yoiks and away" level fail. I leaned in and laughed. Because SEE ABOVE.

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What matters is the communion

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What matters is the communion

I haven’t posted here in a hot damn minute. We opened a piano bar. It’s amazing. It’s exhausting and all encompassing. We’re about to celebrate our 3 year anniversary. Hence the hot damn minute. Here’s a link to it. Now that you’re caught up….

I posted this on Facebook after Jimmy Buffett died. Felt like something that belonged here too. I’m doing a Jimmy Buffett singalong on Oct 15th at said piano bar. Pop in if you’re around…..

I started to type "say what you will about Jimmy Buffett" but actually that's what I came here to talk about. I've seen some really gorgeous and thoughtful posts honoring him (shout out to Jesse Dayton & Wild Ponies). I've also seen some of the opposite.

The "cooler than" compulsion is ugly, y'all. Unfortunately musicians tend to be the worst offenders. (I wrote a blog about that awhile back.) I halfway composed a version of this in my head several months ago when the T-Swift tour brought out this same ugly in rant after vomitous rant...but I've been too busy running a bar where people gather to sing things together that make them feel something. Put a pin there for a sec...

30 years ago when I was a little baby piano bar player just scratching the surface of what that gig was, a friend loaned me a Jimmy Buffett tape. I loved it and I wore it out. I've still got the songbook I bought so I could play those requests. It's well worn, from years of being schlepped from gig to gig w/other fake books in the pre-iPad days. I did that for a long time. Then I did other stuff for a long time like write songs and make records and travel around and sing for people. Now I've come full circle and am fully immersed in piano bar world again.

I've talked about the magic of our bar. Well the root of that magic is people singing things together that move them. It's connection. It's belonging. It's understanding. Strangers making eye contact across a room singing the same words at the top of their lungs are suddenly joined in a kind of communion. "You feel what I feel? How cool is that?" It's a beautiful thing. JIMMY BUFFET RESPECTED AND WIELDED THIS MAGIC. Taylor does too. It's undeniable.

Here's the thing: what the music is DOES NOT MATTER - what matters is the communion. Life is fucking hard. If people can join together through some songs they all love LET THEM, for fucks sake!!!! It doesn't hurt you. (Unless your ego is real damn broken, in which case I'd suggest you get some help fixing that.) Why you gotta poop in someone else's punch bowl? How is that gonna make your punch taste better? It's not. I don't like seafood. If I went on a rant about how people who like seafood are stupid losers with no sense of taste I'd look like an idiot. *pauses for drawing of painfully obvious comparative conclusion*

None of us are immune to the temptation (myself included, see blog, oy vey), so take it as a gentle reminder if nothing else: If you don't like someone else's magic, either find some different magic or GO MAKE YOUR OWN. Full stop. Do not pass go, do not poop in other punchbowls. Jimmy didn't say "anyone who doesn't like the beach is a dick." He just said "Fuck it, I'm going to the beach. Anybody wanna join me?"

Right on, Jimmy. Right on. Fair sailing, sir.

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Singer Nerd returns with a hair toss


Singer Nerd returns with a hair toss

WOOOOOOOO child, tired of the bullshit.

Oh you guys. I know…. it’s been a STOOPIDLY long time since I’ve done this. I’ve tried a handful of times, but the well was dry. Oftentimes the well went so far as to flip me off. #rude I’ve been going to a new doctor lately and after asking me 4723 interesting questions and doing lots of curious tests, he said “wow - your right brain is TIRED. Not misfiring or anything, but it is like *REALLY* tired.” <pause> “That’s your creative side, you know….”

Me: “Yeah… that definitely tracks. No WONDER!”

Him: “You want me to treat that?”Me: “Holy shit you can do that? YES, PLEASE!!”


EPIC vacation to Vietnam &amp; Cambodia


EPIC vacation to Vietnam & Cambodia

In a word: SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPEALAMAZEBALLS. Watch the video/slideshow/combo below!!

Ok guys - I’m a shmuck for neglecting this blog for over a year. Stuff’s been happening. But stuff always happens, so that’s a lame excuse. (I have a few #singernerd ideas brewing and I PROMISE I’ll get back to that soon.) But for at least 11 days (13 if you count travel) this summer I had the most hella-dope excuse EVARRRR.

When my sweet hubby Glen got word he was being sent to Vung Tau, Vietnam for work, we decided to turn that into a “holy moly we’ve never been THERE before” vacation opportunity. Seeing Angkor Wat had been on his bucket list since he first read about it in high school. And I am pretty much up for a vacation to anywhere I’ve never been before. So off he went to work, and off I went onto the internet to plan us a DOOZY of a vacation.

I won’t take too much time here to talk about it - pictures say so much more (45 minutes more, in fact - LOLz!). That’s why I happily went over my data plan three fricking times - cuz I was having so much fun sharing our trip in relative real time via Instagram & Facebook stories. That’s what’s compiled into this video here (and why it’s in a vertically aligned format - you’ll get used to it after a minute.) What I will say: it was breath-taking, life-changing, and for the most part, hotter than 40 hells. But we wouldn’t take back a minute of it. And if you ever can’t find me, click through to the youtube video and use the links posted there as your road map of “where to look.” Forrealz.

I’ll leave you with this quote from our second to last night (footage above, of course): “We’re eating Mexican food and listening to a dude from South Africa sing American and British songs while simultaneously watching cricket match between India and Sri Lanka on TV above table of Japanese guys. In a craft brew pub at the beach outside Hoi An, Vietnam. That’s owned by a lady from Arizona. The world is fecking tiny, you guys. And huge too. GO SEE IT.”



Singer Nerd's post-bunion surgery gospel couchapella


Singer Nerd's post-bunion surgery gospel couchapella

Y'all.... I know. I've been MIA since December. I don't know what the hell happened. Big pile of life, I guess? I just looked back at my calendar to try to figure it out.... I found more traveling than I realized (or planned) in the last 6 months, more "hats" than I've worn in awhile, and a bunch of physical stuff that I've attempted to be proactive about. Which brings us to the precise location from which I am currently typing to you: 19 days post-bunion surgery, camped out in bed with my swollen foot wrapped in ice and propped up on ALLLLL the pillows. NOTHING makes a gal feel young and sexy quite like saying "bunion surgery"...with the exception of actually ENDURING said bunion surgery. Lemme tell you, friends, this recovery shit is not for sissies. 


Singer Nerd pines for The Purple One

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Singer Nerd pines for The Purple One

I don't remember is a time before singing. It was always there. My mom said I used to sing to myself in my playpen as a baby. I suppose it soothed me. It still does. When something hurts I sing it out. I had a Sesame Street record when I was about 3 and when I was lonely I used to put one track on over and over and sing along: "Somebody Come And Play". (I don't know how my mother didn't murder my little needy, dramatic ass, honestly.) I always like it better when I have people to play with. I do a lot of solo shows cuz that's what works logistically and financially....but when I get to play and sing with others? Hoooooboy that's my happiest of happy places. (My other happy places are dancing, swimming and frolicking in the snow. Which, if put into a blender, would result in a singing water ballet performance of White Christmas, I guess??? Dafuque... I swear I don't do drugs. Maybe I need to start.)

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Singer Nerd is Just Fine (Fine)

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Singer Nerd is Just Fine (Fine)

"Whenever I feel afraid
I hold my head erect
And whistle a happy tune
So no one will suspect I'm afraid" - Rodgers & Hammerstein, "The King & I"


Yo - Mrs. Anna knew what was up. When I made this video a few months ago I was feeling anything but fine. I was feeling fat and washed up and depressed and a bunch of other Sensitive Creative Type what-am-I-doing-with-my-life shit. 100% "first world problem" fare, I fully acknowledge, but still not fun to walk around in. I've learned over the years that when I get that shoes-stuck-in-concrete feeling doing something - anything - is better than doing nothing. Bonus points if that something includes leaving the house. So to combine "leave the house" mission with combatting the feeling fat portion of the equation, I started running again. Most of those SCT, anything-but-fine feelings are a chronic condition with semi-regular flare-ups, but at least my clothes fit better now. I'll take it.

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20 feet from will the circle be unbroken


20 feet from will the circle be unbroken

Soooo Tuesday was fun.... Here's the text I sent to my squad:

"That time when you're singing BGV's for flood benefit at the opry and they say "can one of you go stand in for Demi (Lovato)" so you hop on out and stand IN THE FUCKING CIRCLE between Darius Rucker and Brad Paisley and get to sing duo bits with CeCe Winans on "With A Little Help From My Friends" #holyshitholyshitholyshit"

Lemme break that down for ya...


Singer Nerd looks skyward w/Indigo Girls #IG30

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Singer Nerd looks skyward w/Indigo Girls #IG30

I saw the call for videos to celebrate Indigo Girls' 30th anniversary (#IG30) and even though I'd just finished two other acapella vids, I busted this out a few weeks ago. Now that I just came back from week-long song school thing in Colorado, exhausted and inspired, today seems the day to share.

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Singer Nerd meets Hall & Oates


Singer Nerd meets Hall & Oates

Oh y'all....sorry I disappeared for a few months. That Hamilton piece took it out of me!!! That was hard to top and I had to catch my literal and metaphorical breath. But I'm back, yo! This is actually one of THREE acapella pieces I did in the last week - two I planned on, and one that just kinda happened last minute cuz I was already in the groove. I'll tell you about those other two later. But let's talk Hall & Oates, shall we?


Singer Nerd meets The Schuyler Sisters


Singer Nerd meets The Schuyler Sisters

I warned you. Remember when I told you last month that I’d listened to a certain soundtrack 3 times in a week on the road? Well I haven’t stopped. I have an acute and probably highly contagious case of Hamilton fever. I can’t remember the last time I was so consumed and inspired by a body of musical work. It's so, so, SOOOO good. As a listener I’m moved to shouting, singing, dancing and tears. Every. Single. Time. And as a writer? I am sat-the-fuck-down-can’t-even-spell-fathom-much-less-actually-fathom how Lin-Manuel Miranda did that. Every. Single. Time. (Note to LMM: if I meet you I will probably blubber incoherently and pee a little cuz holy #writercrush.) The fact that it took him 6 years to write this musical offers a teeny bit of consolation, but barely. It's an absolute masterpiece in lyric, rhyme, wordplay, melody, groove....GAAAHHH!

I freaked alllll the way out when I heard this particular track for the first time. Once I stopped hyperventilating and yelling "YAAAAAASSSSSS" through tears of joy, I knew #singernerd had to get her hands on this one. I finally started it just over a week ago – got the arrangement worked out in pro-tools and only had time to record two video squares: bass and beat box. OH HELL YES I SAID BEAT BOX. (!!1!) But then I had to fly to NYC for some shows with Lynda. (Carter….as in Wonder Woman, in case you missed that singing BGV’s for her is something I do. It’s kind of ridiculously awesome.) And, well,….lemme back up a second.


Singer Nerd shows her True Colors - Acapella song 7


Singer Nerd shows her True Colors - Acapella song 7

You guys....I SOOOOOO wanted to be Cyndi Lauper when I was 13. Anyone who knew me then will remember my pink hair and fluorescent clothes. (Sharing of photographic evidence of this phase of my life gets you extra credit.)  I thought she was super-neato back then, but as I got older I came to recognize and really appreciate what a shredding beast of a singer she is. And this song is just too good in the feels department. So much so that I got requests from TWO different people to #singernerd it up (big thanks to Jen Jeske and Mel Buckner!). Plus, I'm all about recognizing and celebrating true colors. So here ya go. 


Singer Nerd on the road


Singer Nerd on the road

I found myself on I-40 west of Amarillo yesterday, as I'm making my way to CA for some shows this weekend. I'd just finished my third time through the "Hamilton" soundtrack in 4 days (sidebar: HOLY SHIT THAT IS THE MOST BRILLIANT THING I HAVE EVER HEARD) and was ready to just listen to road noise. Until my brain went "hey let's make an a capella video right now - we've got like 4 more hours on the road going in a really, really straight line - let's see if it'll work." My brain is a dork.






I'm having a super nerdtasticly good time with this ongoing project. Allow me to state the obvious right off the bat: FREDDY MERCURY WAS ONE BADASS MOFO. This is likely not news to anyone, but what it means in this context is this shit was hard!


Return of Singer Nerd - Acapella song 2


Return of Singer Nerd - Acapella song 2


Remember how I made an a capella version of Time Warp last month cuz it was all my friend Zip's fault? And then had so much fun I decided to do a new a capella video every month and let you guys suggest songs for me? Even though I thought the whole thing might be a really dumb idea? I've decided: it's a great damn idea.  


Singer Nerd Alert (+ dance moves and cat)


Singer Nerd Alert (+ dance moves and cat)


Oh my god, you guys – my singer nerd is showing here BIG time. It’s all my friend Zip’s fault. One of the incentives I offered on the PledgeMusic campaign for my new album 3 AM was “I’ll record a cover song just for you. Go ahead – make me learn something weird.” Unable to resist this challenge, Zip sent the following directive along with a generous pledge (thanks, Zip!): “Time Warp. WITH the dance moves.” (Bite me, Zip.)