TFW your now self picks up hints that your past self dropped? That’s a trip. Especially when they piggyback on each other. I’m so busy running a bar that I forget I have a blog and a website sometimes. I came to share an experience about one hint and found another. See previous blog/title/subject. :)

I had the indescribable honor of being a featured guest at Nashville in Harmony's 20th anniversary show at the Ryman Auditorium back in December. It was transformative and I’m still grinning. More about that below. But first, the confluence of events that led up to that happening is glorious and worth sharing:

Tim Branscum (who's been a fan of my music for years, bless him) happened to be in town one night last March when Wesley King (who happens to be the artistic director of NIH) was guest hosting our monthly hymn sing at Sid Gold's. Tim asked me to play an original song called "I Will Raise My Voice.” I hardly ever play original songs at Sid’s but I couldn’t say no to Tim. And I’m glad I didn’t because it led to this email from Wesley in my inbox.

WHATTT??!!? I know. OK. Fast forward to Dec 29th, day of show. I'd been battling this winter’s extra rude respiratory crud since early November and my voice was far from 100%. I’d been honking like a damn goose for 2 months. (Apologies to anyone who had to endure that on the listening end.)

But this is where the bar we opened just over 4 years ago and a lyric in the song I wrote over 15 years ago worked some alchemy.

*Cue deeper confluence of events*

For most of my life, my job and my sense of self have hinged on how good my voice sounded. Or so I thought. Playing in our magical little piano bar night after night I’ve essentially been steeping in the healing elixir that is singing ~ and singing along ~ for the sheer joy of it. So here I was with a wonked-out voice on the day of my first solo feature at the dang mother church (!!), but I was weirdly OK about it in a way I'd never been before. Because I knew it wasn’t really about me - it was about our collective singing for the joy of it. And suddenly I *got* my own song lyric:

If I don’t sing no one can sing along, so I will sing.
— "I Will Raise My Voice" - K Small

Nashville in Harmony presents 20th Anniversary Season Finale Concert.
Start time 1:23:45 “I Will Raise My Voice”

That night was a profound and lasting gift and I’m so very grateful. Grateful to Tim, to Wesley, to every member of Nashville In Harmony. Grateful to Sid Gold’s, and grateful to 15+ year ago songwriter me for not giving up on that idea she had. Thanks for the hint, homie. It really is all about the communion.

The clip here starts at my song, but the whole show is exquisite and worth watching. Bonus: if you watch the encore you’ll hear me hit the biggest clunker of my entire performing life. I'm talking Daffy Duck "yoiks and away" level fail. I leaned in and laughed. Because SEE ABOVE.

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