SPECIAL DONN’S DEPOT TAKEOVER NIGHT! Streaming live on the Donn’s Depot Facebook page.
For years I played Thursdays at Donn's Depot in Austin, TX. It’s the oldest piano bar in Texas, it’s my Austin home, and it has a kind of magic I can’t begin to describe. My five+ years at Donn's taught me more than I knew there was to learn. While I can never repay that gift, what I *can* do right now is play a show and share proceeds with Donn's and staff. I've been live streaming on Thursday nights (of course) on my own page for awhile now, but THIS Thursday I'm taking over the Donn's page and streaming there. I'll play longer than my usual hour and the request lines will be open.
So come join me!! It'll be just like the mid/late '90's except earlier in the evening and not as smoky.... ;)
Virtual tip jar links:
PayPal FYI: if you select "pay for goods/services" PayPal takes a cut. If you select "send $ to friends/family" they don't. :)
Venmo never takes a cut.