Tears. Love. Hope.

What do I cry for?

I cry for you. I cry that I had you and lost you. I cry that you lost you...and I lost me. I cry to think maybe I never knew you. Maybe you never meant it. I cry at surrender lost to fear...blown away in an afternoon storm. Vows and tears flowing down the edge of the street mixed with rain and oil and brake fluid...dying love clinging to dead leaves, gasping for breath it can't find.

Giving Thanks

Thankful for so very much these days...the grace that I am somehow showing myself during this changing season...friends that are showing their true & bright & beautiful colors all over the world (special nod to one in particular currently floating somewhere on the North Sea)...

The One I Never Thought I'd Write

It pains me greatly to say this...but Bryan has asked me for a divorce. I'm sure this news will shock most of you...I assure you I'm the most shocked of all. We've had our struggles over the years,

The Wife & The Husband

Hi friends. Hadn't written to everyone in awhile, and I've missed you! What have you been up to?? I don't have any big news to report (well....I did just sing on a Garth Brooks record today - that was pretty rad...), but I did pass a milestone back in May that I wanted to share. Which brings me to part one of my subject line...

White Lady Problems

So I was having a pity party for myself a week ago, because Adorable Husband was headed out on the road and wouldn't be back for two months....and my chronic back pain was flaring up...and I grew a damn bunion (WTF??).... and....well....harumph!! I'd had it with my week and planted myself on the couch with a pint of Ben & Jerry's in one hand and a pint of something else in the other.

...when I got an email asking if I'd be available to go on the road with Martina McBride for a month-long Christmas tour as part of a 4-piece background vocal group. I said yes. 

Bunchastuff. But mostly, I WON!!!

Bunchastuff. But mostly, I WON!!!

Hi. I have several things to share with you, some location specific so please look to see if I'm specifying at YOU....

1 - video of me singing the national anthem at the Nashville Sounds game
2 - Reminder about upcoming WI shows
3 - Possible solo show in Chicago on 9/3 (Labor Day)
4 - House concert host search in NC/VA for duo show w/Bryan on Sunday 9/23
5 - Adorable Hubby on cover of Bass Player Magazine 

But first.... I WON!!!!! Look:

ToMAYto-ToMAHto Tour Ketchup

"Only 2 days in and my face hurts from laughing..." @emilybaker on Twitter

Attempting to put into writing how much fun Emily and I had on our recent 3-week ToMAYto-ToMAHto Tour has been a daunting and ultimately insurmountable task. My mission was twofold: 1- play a bunch of shows for lovely people. 2- show her as big a slice of America as I could in 3 weeks. Because it would take FOREVER to try and tell you about it all, I'll distill it into headlines.....moments....you know, how I do....

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What I did on my 40th birthday... :)

KIRA SMALL: HOLLANDSCHE SCHOUWBURG 03-12-2012 Kira Small performs her original song "I Will Raise My Voice" on her 40th birthday in Amsterdam, filmed by her friend Paul Berkholst. This performance takes place in the courtyard of the Hollandsche Schouwburg, a former Dutch theatre that became a center for deportation of the Jewish community during World War II.

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“I wish you Oprah.”

“I wish you Oprah.” A friend of mine said that to me a few years back and it stuck with me. I liked the implication of that. Wishing me to live my best life…be the most authentic, shining, brilliant, true expression of myself. Yeah. I’ll take it. I’ve never been big on New Years resolutions, but this year something went pop and I made a rocking list that excites and inspires me to action. Near the top is this:

-   Get “I Will Raise My Voice” to Oprah

First I wrote down that I wanted one of my songs to be used by major media to empower, inspire and encourage people. I still want that. But that was just a fancy way of saying I. Want. To. Sing. That. Song. On. Oprah.

When the seed for my song “I Will Raise My Voice” first planted itself in me and began to germinate, I said to myself: “I want to write something Oprah-worthy – something she would have on her show.” Sometimes I even fantasized about it being her theme song. Oprah’s all about living your best life, feeding your soul, and expressing your authentic self, right? And who doesn’t have to walk through some fear to get to those places? (Anybody who says “me” right here is lying…or actually Buddha.) Well, my song is about exactly that – walking through fear and raising your voice to express your truest self. 

It’s also about being a candle in the darkness. “If I don’t sing no one can sing along…so I will sing.” Many of you have shared how much that song has touched or inspired you. Everywhere I sing it, people are really moved by it. And nothing moves me more than knowing that, feeling that. We all have a song to sing, at least metaphorically speaking. I don’t have a tragic tale to tell, didn’t struggle through great adversity…I’m just an average white girl from the Midwest. I had a modest but more than comfortable upbringing where my creativity and individuality was always encouraged. I went to an arts high school and a music college and excelled in both. I’ve been singing for a living for years. To top it off, I’m pretty and relatively thin. All of that positive reinforcement and I’m still afraid to speak. I still have to mount up tremendous courage to speak my peace and sing my song. Sometimes I think all I have going for me somehow diminishes my right to speak out. Who am I to say anything? What have I overcome compared to so many others? It’s utterly ridiculous, I know. As someone who believes in the inherent dignity and worth of every human being you’d think I’d stumble upon my own a bit sooner than my late 30’s. All this rambling to say….logic would dictate that if I need to hear this song there are bound to be some others who could benefit from it as well.

Which is why I want Oprah to hear it…so ERRYbody can hear it. Here’s my plan:

  1. find an appropriate address to send things to the Oprah camp.
  2. find 20, 30, 40+ people who are passionate enough about that song to send a letter to Oprah about it and enclose a CD (which I’ll provide, of course). The more copies that penetrate that giant machine the better chance it has of getting noticed. (Props to my new friend and beautifully gifted voice-raiser Joe Jencks for this brilliant idea.)

This is where you come in, my dear friends:

   * Does that song inspire you enough to tell Oprah about it?

   * Do you have an “in” to the Oprah world that you could share with me or use to further this endeavor? Like Gayle’s mobile number or something…?

I would love to hear from you if this moves you in any way or you have any ideas for me about this.

In case you’re unfamiliar or just need a fix, this is the album version of “I Will Raise My Voice” in all its organ-kissed, choir-blessed glory:

"I Will Raise My Voice" album version

And here is a video of me singing this at the FARM (Folk Alliance Region Midwest) conference last October. It’s not a perfect performance but I love the energy and spirit of it. Mostly I love that people are singing along. Amen.

"I Will Raise My Voice" live at FARM

Thank you for reading this. I wish you Oprah.


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Raise My Voice 2010 Tour Wrap-Up Shblog

Well, y’all – I raised my voice. I raised it 22 times across 18 states and over 7800 miles. And here lies the day-by-day accounting of our month-long Raise My Voice Tour – starting in Nashville on Oct 14 and returning again on Nov 12. I tried to start this blog once about halfway through the tour…but when I realized I had barely scratched the surface after 30 minutes, I stopped. I spent about 9 hours yesterday and several more today going through each and every day trying to remember as much as I could. It might be boring as hell but there was no way I could sum it up in a few clever paragraphs. I'm not that good. And this thing was way too big. There were at least 100 times when I wished I’d had a camera strapped to my head so I could somehow live stream what I was seeing. There. Was. So. Much. So many little moments…I know I won’t get even half of them in here but I had to try because I spent the better part of 30 days looking out the window wide-eyed and wonder-filled.

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"Raise My Voice" Tour - Oct/Nov 2010 (blog-cheating alert)

I have utterly failed in my "blog once a week" quest. Crap. Well, OK, not "utterly"...but in the "once a week" sense, yes. In the interest of preserving my mental health I am hereby forgiving myself and acknowledging that there are certainly more blog posts than there would have been had I not made that "once a week" declaration.

And now, in the interest of promoting my independent music career, I give you my most recent email about our upcoming tour. Cheating? Who cares. We're going on tour and we busted our asses to put it together. And there is important info I really want folks to know about how house concerts work.

Besides, this is your chance - if you're NOT on my mailing list, to see how hilarious and charming I am. There is also a picture of my cat. He's quite helpful. And by "helpful" I mean "not at all helpful, actually, but obnoxiously cute". Read please:



This land is your land

My dad and I started road-tripping together when I was in high school. We were really good at it too – traveled the same way and were great road companions. Not a whole lot of focus on the intended destination, whatever it was. We were far more interested in turning off the road to go investigate something we drove by that looked interesting. This would drive some people crazy I’m sure, but we loved it. We always had AAA books with us and while Dad drove I’d read out loud about towns or sites we were passing. Learned a lot that way. Our first road trip was out west – from Wisconsin to Calgary & Banff in Alberta, Canada. We saw an indoor water slide in the hotel in Swift Current, Saskatchewan, watched the building frenzy in anticipation of the Calgary Olympics, and trekked out to see “beautiful Lake Louise” which was entirely covered in snow and therefore indistinguishable from an empty parking lot. We also saw Wind Cave, a big bunch of buffalo, had a groovy meal in Anadarko, OK, and somewhere in Montana Dad pulled over and without saying a word we both got out and just looked around 360 degrees, in awe of just how far we could see. If you get me drunk enough I might tell you about the wild mountain pigs…maybe.



I Really Needed That

After our show the other night a woman came up to me and said, “I really needed that – thank you.” I am always so touched to hear something like that. It makes my heart happy. What’s really moving is that was the fourth gig in a row someone has said that very thing to me. I’m listening…



Why I'm Good At Stubbing My Toes

So far I suck at blogging once a week. I kinda skipped a week and have felt failingly behind ever since…hmm…

Know what I’m really good at though? Stubbing my toe. I stubbed it so good yesterday I broke it. My poor little toe! It’s all purple and red and taped to the one next to it. I thought about posting a picture here but my friend Tracy advised against it, apparently from prior experience. Feel free to silently thank her now.



chosen paths

I just went to my 20th high school reunion. Well, more or less. It got rolled into the picnic for the classes of ’85-’95. I went to Milwaukee High School of the Arts and my graduating class was less than 100 people. All the classes cross-pollinated through our particular majors – art, music, theater and dance – so we weren’t as defined as classes as some other schools might have been. But the bulk of us there at the picnic were from the class of 1990 cuz it was our magic reunion year I guess. I had a ball. Most of us look exactly the same, with the possible exception of a few more pounds. I’d like to think our waistlines have expanded to account for our broadened horizons...and that we’ve earned the right to stretch out a bit.



I Fall To Pieces

It's a song I will sing forever and never grow tired of.

I'm not sure how old I was when I first heard Patsy Cline sing "I Fall To Pieces"...probably a teenager. I do know that it gave me that twinge in the gut feeling I always get when something really breaks my heart. And it's done that every time I've heard it - twice as bad when I sing it - since.

When I was 20 I spent a summer singing that song 3-4 times a day - dressed as Patsy Cline in a theme park show....




I really should blog more. I think what would be required is a promise so I HAVE to do it. I want to do it so I'm able to share all the magical little experiences we've been having lately. I post little snippets on twitter and facebook...that's easier to do in the moment...but these should happen too.

In the last few months I've released my CD Raise My Voice, got filmed/interviewed by CNN.com for a piece on house concerts, played a show in Austin honoring veterans, played 10 duo shows in 8 different states w/Bryan, taught at Berklee for a weekend, and snuck in a week-long vacation in the Smoky Mountains complete with river-tubing and an 8 hour hike up Mt. LaConte and back. Any one of those things I could have written a blog about. And I wish I had - cuz now it seems too overwhelming to do so, and too far back to remember teeny magical details. And that makes me sad. Silly reason to be sad, and I'll get over it, but I want to notice it now.

And all of this stuff happened since the flood....
